Peopleall over the world have been making changes in their lifestyles due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Many patients are meeting with their doctorsvirtually for routine appointments, from the safety of their homes.
Due to the availabilityof virtual visit/video consultation facilities, healthcareis now more readily accessible to patients.
It is a medicalservice, which is done via video chat with a doctor, while the patient is athome. The goal is to deliver quality medical care, just like an in-personappointment.
You can schedulean appointment with the Doctor, without wasting time commuting and in ahospital’s waiting room.
You can book an appointment and have a quick video call with the doctor even if you are at work and don't have time for an in-person visit.
This type ofvisit is intended for the patient who requires NON-URGENT consultation for Ear, Nose, Throat, and Voice problems.
It’s importantto note that sometimes the patient may need to visit a hospital locally, depending on theseverity of his or her disease.
Virtual visit /Video consultation is conducted in real-time and it allows the Doctor toevaluate, diagnose, and prescribe medicines as needed, using technology.
You need atelephone, tablet, or computer for a video consultation. Please ensure that youhave -
- A reliable internet connection
- Speakers and a microphone on your device
- Laptop, Android, or iPad/iPhone with a built-in camera or webcam.
This allows the doctor to effectively observe and listen to the patient and thenadvise accordingly.
After you book anappointment at ENT and you will receive a link for a video call, join atthe allotted time.
You will alsoreceive a questionnaire, please share your details in the given format, shareold prescriptions, reports of investigations done, and images, before the scheduledvideo call.
Make sure thatyou are properly dressed and comfortably seated in a quiet area during thevideo call.
After the videocall with the Doctor, you will receive the prescription via e-mail (or sms, ifyou need it).
Please share your feedback after the call.